
Gentleman, there will be a change in our 6am Monday morning meetings .  We will no longer be meeting at the Stockman’s, but will begin meeting at the church building with breakfast being served there.  Not only are we certain that this will it make it much less expensive for us, it will permit us to be more intentional with our time together.

One study we’re considering is to work through Dennis Rainey’s new book, Stepping UP: A Call to Courageous Manhood.  Rainey has organized a nationwide one-day event on February 2nd, 2013 that we may want to consider to host in our church.  This consists of 4 sessions 1.5 – 2 hours long and is a launch for his new book.  One option is that we could host the one-day course (and maybe not even on Feb. 2nd, but another day that works in our schedule better…) for the Christian men in general in our community.  Another option is to forgo the one-day and just study the book on Monday mornings.  Or a combination of both.

Whatever the decision is, please take note that we will no longer be meeting for prayer at Stockman’s, Mondays at 6am.  We will now be meeting & eating at the church building at 6am, still on Mondays.

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